“There is no one to help me.” This typical comment heard by the 134 single moms who have seen God at work through His Safe Families for Children Indy (SFFCI) team of volunteers and staff. Single moms make up the single biggest population of the 265 units in the SFFC Indy database. Put aside your calculator, the answer is 50.56%. As a man, I cannot even begin to stand in the emotional or mental shoes of a single mom with serious life issues facing her. Add one or more children into the mix and my heart breaks and my head hurts. With no reliable network of family or friends, SFFC Indy is there for her. Divorced moms account for 22 (8%) family units. Only 44 (17%) are married. Don’t get distracted about the serious issues of single parent vs. two parent families. Do stay focused on the reality of the lives of those who are served by the hands and feet of Jesus through SFFC Indy. Krista Davis constantly reminds us, “behind each number is a compelling story that is important to God. Practice Biblical hospitality, do not judge.” These are real people deep into real life issues that may seem overwhelming. We know we cannot fix their situations. As Margo Bacon (a compelled SFFC Indy volunteer) once said, “you fix machines, not people”. Margo quickly added, “but we can make a difference in the lives of people, one at a time. Our western middle class upbringing makes us want to jump in and fix the problems of the world. God knows that if we could fix broken lives, we would become very proud, prideful to the point of self worship. He wants us to do the small things and do them well. Such as being a host to one of these little children who are so vulnerable."
Do you want to make a difference is the life of a child? Start at www.Safe-Families.org
We invite you into our space on this topic. Feel free to provide responsible and respectful comments and questions.
Chuck Gross
SFFCI Advisory Board