Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Five Stories

Here is a peek into the work that Safe Families does every day. We are sharing five short stories that illustrate our work and our involvement with Safe Families, biological families and more.

A young mother called Safe Families, literally in tears. She had been staying with a friend and was being kicked out. They were completely out of food. She had borrowed the phone from a neighbor just so she could call. She left me her address and begged me to come pick up her children. Within two hours, both of her children were placed into loving Safe Families. Since being with these Safe Families, her children have reached new developmental milestones. Each week they visit with their mother and are excited to share their progress with her. The mother now has a job and is set to move into a new apartment later this month.

A couple called us asking for reprieve for their adopted children. They had adopted internationally about a year ago and have faced unique challenges. The children were excited to have a break from each other and to do fun things over a weekend. One of the children in particular formed a great new bond with her Safe Family. The Safe Family wants to provide ongoing respite and continued support for this family.

A church contacted us asking for help with a young mother in their congregation. She had been battling with alcoholism for years and had had a recent setback. The church was concerned for the safety of her infant. We arranged for her baby to stay with a Safe Family for a month while the mother attended AA meetings and started counseling. During that month, the mother saw her child for an overnight visit and was able to call the Safe Family for support during a temper tantrum instead of turning to alcohol. The Safe Family wants to continue to support this young mother and provide respite for her one weekend a month.

An older teen was recently orphaned. He had difficulties with his extended family and had been kicked out. He stayed with friends until he saw signs of substance abuse, so he checked himself into a shelter and contacted his youth pastor. The youth pastor contacted us and we were able to find a Safe Family for him. He has completed his high school courses and is now working until he starts college in the fall.

Social workers called us in desperation and they were trying to get a single mother checked into the hospital. She had been preparing to end her life, but stopped when she heard her baby crying. We were able to place her three young children with Safe Families while she was evaluated at the hospital. She was sent home with medication and was set up with counseling services before the children went home with her.

An older teen was recently orphaned. He had difficulties with extended family and was kicked out. He stayed with friends, but left when he saw signs of substance abuse. He checked himself into a shelter and contacted his youth pastor. His youth pastor contacted us and we were able to find a Safe Family for him. He has completed his high school courses and is now working until he starts college this fall.

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