In August 2010 we began to survey host homes when their guest child was returned to the biological parents. Our goal is to evaluate the spiritual impact on the host home, the safe family for the child. Below is a summary of responses to the questions. Most of the questions are open ended, not lending itself to yes or no responses. Of the questions that have yes or no type answers, the input is outlined below.
One of the core values of Safe Families for Children is that volunteers are primarily recruited from faith institutions and their faith is a primary force driving their service. Was your faith a primary force in your decision to be a host family?
69 of 69 respondents said: Yes
As a Safe Families for Children host home, did you see God at work?
62 of 67 respondents said: Yes
5 were Uncertain
As a Safe Family for Children host home, how do you think you helped the biological family or your guest child?
This open-ended question produced results that indicate:
Child: 24
Mom: 14
Both: 28
Overall, how did your latest Safe Family hosting experience compare with your expectations?
Exceeded: 17
Met: 47
Did Not: 4
If your hosting experience involved your own children, how did they respond to having a Safe Families for Children guest?
This open-ended question produced results that indicate:
Positive: 37
Negative: 1
Is there an opportunity to establish some kind of a mentoring relationship with the biological parent(s)? Share a few words to further expand on your yes or no response.
Yes: 2
No: 9
Uncertain: 13
Open-ended responses indicated that some host families were willing to mentor there are difficulties in establishing the mentoring relationship. What is clear is that there have been few mentoring relationships established. We need to consider more discussion, fact finding and identification of other related issues before raising the expectation of an ongoing mentoring relationship.
Is there anything within our control that could make your hosting experience more effective?
This open-ended question produced results that indicate:
No Changes Suggested: No changes recommended
Changes Suggested: 1 - drug screens & background checks before placement.
Overall, input is positive and constructive.
How many times have you been a host family?
1. 18
2. 7
3. 6
4. 7
5. 6
5+. 7
Would you recommend Safe Families for Children as a way for others to be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving the least of these?
Yes: 63
No: 0
Uncertain: 1
If you would like to discuss your experience with one of the Safe Families for Children team, give us your contact information in the space below. Also, give us an idea of what you would like to discuss.
One 0f 64 responders indicated a need to discuss his or her experience.
If part or all of your experience could be used to tell others about the Safe Families for Children movement, do we have your permission to do so? We always change names to protect the privacy and confidentiality of the persons involved.
Yes: 63
No: 1
Chuck Gross
6/24/2011 Results
Want to experience positive life change? Get involved by going to www.safe-familes.org
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