Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Is God At Work Through Safe Families for Children Central Indiana?

Short answer: Yes

I know this might be a bit boring, but it provides a foundation for the answer.  We have measurable strategic objectives than enable us to see if we are on target with our SFFCCI efforts.  We want everyone involved being aware that this is the work of God in and through us verses us working on our own strength.

At the conclusion of each hosting experience, the host family receives an invitation to give feedback through an electronic survey.

The responses to the following two questions allow us to say “yes”.

One of the core values of Safe Families for Children is that volunteers are primarily recruited from faith institutions and their faith is a primary force driving their service. Was your faith a primary force in your decision to be a host family?

100% of the responses are “yes”.

As a Safe Families for Children host home, did you see God at work?

92% of the responses are “yes”, with the remaining “uncertain.”

In addition, we hear verbal reports, particularly at the weekly staff meeting, about how the staff and volunteers see God at work.  Some of these stories get back to you via Facebook.  (Just a short rabbit trail – TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK)

We are mindful of need to constantly remind ourselves that God created SFFCCI, He is fueling the engine and He gets the glory for the results.  Ephesians 2:10 summarize it for me.  “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

If you want more details on any of this discussion, contact me.
Chuck Gross
President – Advisory Board

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