Saturday, October 29, 2011

Krista Davis Saw God At Work Through Homeless Dottie

Today I was feeling sorry for myself.  I had a family issue going on which seemed like an 8!  

Then I got a call from our crisis line volunteer (Karen Sylvester).  She is a dandy!      

Apparently Dottie was worried about her nephew James who is staying with Ms. Alison.  She had been unable to reach Ms. Alison (whose phone is not working).

I thanked Karen and then tried the Safe Family number.  Since I had the luxury of multiple numbers to try, I reached Mr. Steve who graciously told me that all was going well.  He confided that this placement was somewhat different than their others, in that the aunt was super worried about her child, and called frequently in concern for him. So sweet.  

Then I called Dottie just to follow up. It was the best part of my week.

This is where I saw God, and felt Him holding me up. . . moving me into the place of righteousness that I had been missing all day. . . .in my own selfish and personal 8!

Dottie is 60 and has taken guardianship of her nephew who is 4.  When asked how she came to be his guardian, she simply said "he is family".  His parents were drug addicts, and he needed family to take care of him.  

When I asked how she got to safe families, she recalled the story of moving to Indiana where relatives are close by.  She has had a series of low paying jobs throughout her life but proudly tells me that she has a clean bill of health and "there is no reason why I can't be working, other than difficulty in finding a job "at my age".

Through a series of events that she described (staying at Wheeler Mission, looking for homeless shelters that could accept her and James together, living in her grandsons attic with a space heater, storing her furniture and belongings in his garage, and being thankful that she "happened upon" Safe Families) I was humbled.  About to go pick her up and move her into my daughter's bedroom, instead I gave her some numbers to call in the morning, and told her to please call me back to let me know how it went.

God has placed us here for a reason.

Turns out my issue is a 2.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Your $10,000 Will Get A Lot With Foster Care Or A Lot More With SFFCCI

Someone just asked me, “If I gave you $10,000 for SFFCCI, what would I get for it?”  I gave a long winded and rambling answer that caused his mind to check out and go to another place.  WOW!  A great question and as a member of the Advisory Board, I felt like a failure.  I did not know the answer.  Recognizing that the staff and other Advisory Board members are sharper than I, they listened to the question and stared back at me.  I interpreted the stare as, “I do not know.”  Within 30 minutes we came to the following eye opening conclusion.

$17 per day is the cost of providing a safe and loving environment for a child placed in a volunteer SFFCCI host home. 

$38 per day is the estimated cost for the tax payer to have a child in foster care.

My friend, give SFFCCI the $10,000 and we will provide a home for 588 kid days. 

Foster Care*
$14,000 is annual estimated cost for foster care.  This is an average, but a conservative average.  $0 is included for court costs, law enforcement, Department of Child Services, etc.

Safe Families for Children Central Indiana
$114,000 was the 2009 – 2010 year expenses. 233 children were guests in volunteer host homes.  $489 is the average cost.  If the average length of stay is 28 days, we see an average cost of approximately $17.

*We recognize there are a lot of assumptions and lots of arguments could be made for higher or lower numbers.  But, the point is, Safe Families for Children is a good investment of money for society and children.  We value the role of foster parents and the role they play in protecting children.  Nothing written here should be misinterpreted as negative toward DCS, the courts, foster care, etc.  There is a need for all of us.

Over 160 homes are registered in Central Indiana as host homes for SFFCCI.  THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS!  Your generosity makes this possible.

What are your thoughts on this?  Feel free to share them.
Chuck Gross
President - Advisory Board

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Diane Palma - Reality of the Job

Coordinating a placement usually requires dozens of phone calls...from finding the right safe family to organizing logistics for intake, etc.  I used to lose sleep from worry and frustration. It seemed like so much was riding on my ability to find the perfect family for a child/parent in need. But after about 200 successful placements and the same number of sleepless nights, I finally realized that none of this is even in my control or design.  Now, if I feel a bit of frustration coming my way, I remind myself that each of our, (just under 700 to date), placements has been perfectly planned. I simply happen to have the privilege to make a few phone calls, connect a few dots...and watch the miracles unfold. 

Diane Palma
Assistant Director

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jones Chiropractic Supports Safe Families for Children Central Indiana

Jones Chiropractic and Maximum Health

16409 Southpark Dr. Ste D
Westfield, IN  46074

Free adjustments on October 27 to existing patients, with a $25.00 donation to Safe Families.
New Patients through October receive exam and xray for $25 donation to Safe Families.

Thank you Dr. Jones!

Chuck Gross
President Advisory Board

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Diane Palma Saw God At Work On Thursday 10/19/2011

Diane is Assistand Director of Safe Families for Children.  She keeps telling me that if I keep my eyes, ears, mind and heart open, I too can see God at work.  She shared the following examples with me.

"1:00pm:  Tearful Grandmother calls, desperate for a safe place for her 4yr old grandson, today.  They'll be homeless by the end of the day. 
5:00pm:  Courageous Safe Family opens their door to welcome a 4yr old homeless boy into their home for 2 weeks...just in time for dinner!
Today, between 1 and 5pm, total strangers from two polar worlds were brought together by the Grace of God and through Safe Families for Children.   
Today, I was humbled yet again.  I have the best job in the world!"

Get to know the heart of Diane Palma be visiting the following blog articles: Why Safe Families for Children 7/28 and Two Soccer Moms: What Did They Start? 7/21

Chuck Gross
President - Advisory Board

Sunday, October 16, 2011

How Tracey Mitchell-Strong Saw God At Work Last Week

 "I would like to report how God worked out child care for three boys that are placed with one of the Safe Families, and now the Safe Family mom does not have to rush home from work to retrieve them off the bus. I pray that those boys' mom will follow through and have consistency in visiting and talking with her kids, as they are having a rough time. I pray that she finds a home. I pray that she is timely for any and everything.  I send praises that one of our mom's found a home and I pray that the home passes the Section 8 inspection so she can move in and get her children back. I pray that God helps two twin boys and their younger brother to control their attitudes and not lash out at others. I pray that one mom realizes that children are a blessing from God and that he gives her the know how to appropriately parent all of them!!!! I pray for another mom to find a home and a job. "

Tracey is a member of the SFFCCI professional staff.  We thank God for having her on His team at SFFCCI.

Chuck Gross
President Advisory Board

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"We Have Room"

Harvest Bible Chapel Fishers, has a family that is the subject of a host family story. It tells about the result of allowing guests (little folks) to come into their home to experience Biblical hospitality.  Pastor Brian White must be proud to see members of his congregation moving into areas of service that frighten many of us.  Read the story at:  In addition to bookmarking, consider allowing World Next Door.  We invite everyone to get out of the bleachers and into the game.  Chuck Gross – President Advisory Board

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Little Gifts From God - One Hour In The Life Of Krista Davis

Last night I was at the CVS pharmacy downtown, getting my dad’s 17 new medicines filled.  I had his dog “Charlie” with me, who loves attention and is well known downtown.  I sat in the pharmacy area for about an hour, awaiting his new scripts and met many interesting people - Charlie attracts a lot of attention. 

I talked with a homeless young woman whose boyfriend is incarcerated.  She whispered into my ear that she was pregnant and due in December. She said she had little help, but another young man was “keeping her safe”.  By looking at him, you could tell that he had some obvious differences – his gait unsteady, his hair unkempt, large forehead, missing teeth.   The nurse in me had to advise her about prenatal vitamins, and we took a short tour through the vitamin section of the store.

I met another man who I believe was homeless since he was carrying his nebulizer with him.  He explained that he too, had just been released from the hospital and was feeling poorly with emphysema (COPD).  He didn’t have anyone to pick his medicine up for him. Interestingly, he asked me if I lived on the north side.  I thought I was fitting in, but apparently I stuck out like a sore thumb.

Then a mother came in to get a prescription for her epilepsy.  She had her one year old daughter with her.  The child (Betty)  was clean, dressed very well and even had her hair done with matching bow.  She had just received 3 immunizations at Blackburn. She loved petting Charlie, and the mother seemed to be glad for a distraction for little Betty.  We talked about how the bus worked when you have a stroller and groceries to carry.  I remember thinking that this gal must have some help or a lot of stamina, cause she is making it very well.  She took her script and left.

My order was finally finished, and I was given the log to sign for the meds.  Anna’s mother’s signature was above mine.  She (Helen Smith) has used Safe Families multiple times.  With a wave of gratitude for the validation of our work, I thanked God for you four, and for his blessings.

Krista Davis

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Jason and Holly Sayer - A Page From Their Life Story About Kids

How it all began:
We heard from Krista Davis that 3 brothers and sisters needed to be moved from a situation that was just not working out. We looked around and saw that we had a baby and a small house with little room left for 3 children ages 7, 9 and 14 years. The sleeping arrangements would be tight, but we could make it work. So, while the biological mother had a bowel transplant, we had a sudden increase in family size.
In 3 days we learned how wrong our assumptions had been. Based on my (Holly) work experience as a mental health specialist working in residential care facilities and hospitals, I had assumed (we all know where that path leads) that I would meet a woman with poor parenting skills and a poor family environment. But after seeing the mom and children interact, I walked away saying to myself, “That is the kind of respect I want when we have our own children.” From the time we walked into the hospital room, until we left, the kids poured forth with “yes ma'am, no ma'am, we love you mom.” Love and well being for her kids was what mom demonstrated to us. Respect and love for their mom came from the kids. I learned a big lesson that day. “Do not prejudge anyone, because you could be so wrong.” I had done it and I was wrong. I want my kids to respond to me the way they did to their mom.
It was a short but sweet experience as a host home for Safe Families for Children.  We said “yes” to be a host because we felt this is what the Lord wanted us to do. We thought He wanted us to do it for the kids. We will probably never know how those 3 days affected our guests. But it allowed God to show us a few things about ourselves. We came away with a greater awareness of how closed-minded we were. Without a doubt, our faith has been strengthened.
Shortly after the 3 Safe Families kids went home we received another call regarding being foster parents. We had begun the process earlier, and now it was going to bear fruit. Zane was the name of the child who would be coming into our home. We were excited. Then the phone rang again. Zane had a sister who needed a home. And then the phone rang AGAIN. We were chosen to adopt Sean. “I think we broke some records by going from 1 to 4 kids in 3 weeks!”
During this time our small group has been very involved in our lives. We are blessed to share life with a wonderful group of people at Trinity. They are truly committed to spreading the love of Jesus in the community. Just recently two other families in our small group have decided to become host families. We can't wait to see the blessings the Lord will pour down because of their obedience.

Today the Sayers have adopted all 4 of their children. And even though they are not currently taking in any other children, they actively promote Safe Families in the community.
Based on professional training and work experience, as well as being a mom, Holly shared a few interesting insights into the work of Safe Families for Children. “Children are best off in a family environment. They have the best experience when they are in a family situation with other children. It is hard to objectively see the impact of a short stay within a host home. But I truly believe they will not forget the experience, no matter how short, and recall what they have seen and heard once they become responsible for their own decisions. God will use that experience to give many kids a frame of reference that they might not get in their own living experience.  Safe Families for Children is a model that works.”
Safe Families for Children Central Indiana
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